HGH vs. testosterone- which one is better and why? Which one should I use? Which one is safer out of the two? These are the questions that people get in their heads when looking forward to improve their health. Here we would like to give a detailed explanation so that we can understand which one is better and the difference between the two.
If you are old enough and have started facing the signs of declining HGH, it may be not just because of your HGH deficiency. Low GH and low testosterone share a lot of same symptoms. These two particularly for men are related in some way or the other. A lot of studies have also shown that reduction in testosterone leads to reduction in GH level and vice versa.
The pituitary gland is not just responsible for producing growth hormone, it even regulates the production of testosterone in our body. Men facing GH deficiency also often face testosterone decline and other issues with low GH and low T levels. The pituitary gland secretes growth hormone and also regulates the other hormones like testosterone. So if your GH level is low, there are chances that your whole endocrine system is off. This result in low energy, gaining weight, loss of sexual drive, reduced mental acuity and so on.

So, what is HGH basically?
HGH or human growth hormone is the natural hormone produced by anterior area of the brain. It is an anabolic hormone which stimulates the muscle tissues and bone growth through metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. HGH is made up within the body and is produced by the pituitary gland. As the name suggests, it is the key player in restoration and growth of main areas of the body.

How does HGH work?
The pituitary gland secretes HGH in the bloodstream where it is used by the liver and that further helps in increasing levels of other hormones. There are synthetic versions of HGH available in the market in the form of injections but the most natural and safe form is that of HGH supplements made from all natural ingredients.
Apart from medical uses, HGH has got popularity in the fitness world since 1990. As for the medical use, injections are recommended for seniors and children who have HGH deficiency due to lack of production of this hormone by the pituitary gland. The hormone generates changes in the body- it reduces fat mass and increases the muscle mass. For this, in 90s, the bodybuilders started using artificial type of GH, taking pills and injections with the main objective of increasing lean body mass before participating in any competitions. This thus caused changes in hormonal balance of the athletes. Later, studies were conducted and in one of those studies by Dr Frinch, it was realized that the increase in lean body mass caused due to HGH may not be attributed to increase of protein but rather to increase if intracellular water in the muscle fibers. So this is what is known as “false positive” as the muscles don’t really grow as protein tissues.
Other studies have reported same results and we realize that for a lot of years, athletes have compromised on their health by breaking hormonal balance of their body, believing to increase endurance and muscle strength for competitions and races.
What is testosterone?
Well, if we may say so, testosterone doesn’t need much of an introduction for itself. Men need it and so do women to a certain level. Testosterone is the male sex hormone that plays an important role in sexual reproduction as well as growth of men.

How does it work?
The pituitary gland has a role in this process too as it barks orders at testicles to produce this hormone in the bloodstream. And once it is dispatched, it goes off in the entire body and does its work. Indeed, the hormone that is usually used is testosterone i.e. the male sex hormone that is produced by the testicles.
This was already used in 1936 in Berlin during the Olympic Games. Testosterone reduced the body fat, increases lean body mass as well as endurance during your training session. It is important to know that testosterone has to be injected because the oral pills or capsules will be destroyed by the stomach enzymes. But in markets, you can find anabolic androgenic steroids that are the synthetic drugs which try to copy testosterone effects without any negative effects of increasing its overall level in the athletes.
We realized that a lot of people including most bodybuilders believe that the results or effects of HGH are very much similar to the ones of testosterone and also many wonder if there are any differences between the two. Let’s check out here.
What to expect from HGH & testosterone?
The results to expect from HGH and testosterone therapy depend once the treatment has started. In many cases, the benefits mirror one another with both types of therapies. Improved endurance, increased energy, more weight loss, increased muscle mass, improved memory and increased libido are the benefits that can be enjoyed with HGH therapy.
Physical benefits like tighter skin, stronger nails, thicker and stronger hair and reduced cellulite are viewed to be the benefits linked with HGH therapy only. Since either deficiency may affect the mood and disposition, both testosterone and HGH therapy can offer powerful boost that improves the wellbeing of an individual.

Also, both the forms of therapies will lead to achievement of deep and satisfying sleep. This surely results in more productivity during the day time. The only way through which one can determine which of these is better for a person is through reviewing the benefits enjoyed by the body after the treatment.
But to conclude, if we have to say about which one is better of the two, we would say that the all natural HGH supplements in the market are way too reliable and effective. All you have to do is to just read HGH reviews online and buy the best HGH for sale to enjoy the plethora of benefits they offer. The top HGH supplements 2019 include GenF20 Plus, HyperGH 14X and HGH X2. You can have a look at the detailed user reviews of these top HGH releasers and get an idea as to which one to go with and why.
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