Taking a high quality, balanced diet and working out hard in the gym is bare bones blueprint for keeping lean. Many athletes supplement their fitness regime with additional minerals, vitamins and other performance improving substances. And this is when they even start taking steroids for faster results. But do you know is these steroids are safe or not. Let’s discuss here in depth the difference between steroids and HGH. Now you must be wondering what HGH is.
What is HGH?
HGH or Human Growth Hormone is a naturally occurring hormone. It is basically 191 amino acids polypeptide that is released by cells of somatotropic which are present in the pituitary gland. It is the peptide hormone and because of their process of production, they are called as somatotropin or HGH.
It is considered to be a stress hormone that helps with the following:
- Stimulating growth and development
- Increasing glucose density
- Stimulation of cell production
- Reducing risks associated with heart diseases
- Enhancing healing power for injuries and fractures
- Enhancing concentration of free fatty acids
- Enhancing muscle strength
- Improving weight loss
What are steroids?
Steroids are an extensive class of organic compounds that have a structure of a molecule with 4 rings. They represent various hormones, alkaloids and vitamins. Generally, steroids are distinguished by their chemical makeup on the basis of their structure. Mainly, their cycloalkane rings are specific. In simple terms, steroids are not actually determined by the role they play but what their formation is all about. Cholesterol and testosterone have same structure but the role is different. The most known type of steroid that people relate to muscle growth and bodybuilding is anabolic steroid. This name was given due to the performance in the body as these steroids tend to put your body in anabolic state where steroids regulate mass building of the muscles and burning undesirable fat.

These steroids make possible all such functions by stimulating the testosterone hormone that is there in the body. This ends up in melting away more fat and muscle mass.
HGH- what it can do for you
Injecting HGH is possible as it offers fast results but even better and safe method is to opt for HGH supplements that boost the natural production of this growth hormone. The natural boosting HGH releasers are effective but one needs to keep some things in mind when purchasing these supplements. The things that a consumer should keep in mind include:
- The supplement should be all natural and safe
- It should help in weight loss, must improve sleeping pattern
- It should be effective for enhancing libido and muscle growth
- It should be useful in toning muscles and speeding up recovery times
Steroids vs. HGH
As steroids can have many unwanted side effects, HGH has none of them at all and in case it has a few, they are well tolerated and mild in nature. When used as a releaser, HGH gets easily absorbed and doesn’t need to be synthetically injected like steroids. Thus, this makes HGH more appealing as there is almost no or reduced risk of spreading injections. HGH releasers are also quite cheap and affordable than steroids. Unlike steroids, HGH is not at all addictive in nature and so there are no risks of withdrawal signs and cravings. Apart from building up muscles, HGH is known to be useful in slowing down the aging process, increasing overall strength and stamina.
Steroids on the other hand when used excessively can cause serious and irreversible side effects that include reduced sperm count in men, impotency, breast development, difficulty urinating and change in testicles size. In case of women, they can face issues like development of facial hair, reduction in breast size, change in menstrual cycle and deepened voice. Some common ill effects that cut across both sexes include weight gain, acne, heart attack, stroke, bloating, week tendons and sleep problems etc.
When comparing steroids vs. HGH, the fact that HGH is considered for men and women is a very important point. Most steroids mimic the action of testosterone to such a level that women cannot use them that safely without the fear of virilization, the term which is used to describe development of some male traits.
Another point to consider when it comes to comparing HGH and steroids is the time that it takes to see and feel results. Anabolic steroids are actually coveted for their ability to work quickly and a lot of them produce considerable muscle mass within just a few weeks. HGH on the other side, makes you feel better within a few weeks but doesn’t offer any considerable physical changes before 3 to 6 months.
Similarity between HGH and steroids
HGH and steroids are completely different from one another, the only thing being common in them is that they are synthetic substances that help the body to grow and develop.
Side effects of steroids
Everything comes with some side effects, the good part is that steroids effects are few and not much serious. Steroids provide side effects like aggression, high blood pressure. Renal issues, growing of breast in men, infertility, increased risk of viral diseases, heart attack, depression and loss of hair. Rare effects can be faced in the liver, heart and in testicles causing shrinking of balls, sexual dysfunction and testicular atrophy.
Side effects of HGH
On the other hand, though HGH has a lot of benefits in store for the users, it just has a few and mild effects. The most common effects of HGH include risk of congestive heart failure, tissue swelling, swelling of hand, feet, insulin resistance, hypertension etc. HGH can even cause pain in joints and hypertension and facilitate imbalance between bad and good cholesterol.
Which is the best? HGH or steroids?
When you wish to know whether HGH or steroids are better for bulking up or to get a lean appearance, there are various different factors that must be considered. Unlike anabolic steroids, HGH has very less side effects and doesn’t even cause any chemical dependence; it is well tolerated by both men and women. Also, the body absorbs HGH easily but on the other side, anabolic steroids are harder to take in. HGH takes some time to work as most users need to stay on it for various months to see any noticeable changes. Anabolic steroids can provide cutting or bulking effects in as little as just a few weeks.
Last but not least, people consider HGH to be the fountain of youth and this is very much apparent in Hollywood actors such as Sylvester Stallone who looks so good even in his 70s. So, it can be said that HGH is fat better and safe if we compare it with anabolic steroids. It should also be noted that uncontrolled or addictive use of both of these can result in undesirable effects like steroid induced psychosis so it is important to use them cautiously.
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