HGH or human growth hormone starts declining after you reach the puberty phase. And eventually, the body almost stops to grow any new muscle cells. The number of muscle cells in the body is fixed and the time when the body stops to produce any new muscle cells varies from individual to individual.
To understand the dosage of HGH, it is important to know that HGH doses can differ a lot depending on the purpose of usage. But at the same time, it is to bring in your notice that when planning the HGH dose, there are some things that you should keep in mind.

As there are tremendous benefits of HGH, it is to be understood that extra dosage may lead to side effects as well. But first let us know the common HGH benefits here:
- Enhanced weight loss and fat loss
- Increased muscle mass and strength
- Better sleep patterns
- Stronger, healthier bones
When it comes to measuring HGH in units, it is IU (international units) and MG (milligrams). 1 mg HGH is equal to 3 IU. The dosage of 3 IU each day is considered to be safe and does not cause any effects. People can enjoy more energy, improved sleep pattern, better weight management and good skin. But if you want to know the dosage for increasing your lean muscle mass and overall body composition, you can take the GH dose of 4-8 IU. Most people achieve their desired goals at dosage of 4-5 IU per day. Also, it is crucial to note that when you use 4 IU per day or more, it is recommended that you split the dose into 2 times for maximum results.
Note: A general rule is to begin your HGH dosage low and gradually increase it to a higher dosage.
It is good to note that if while increasing your HGH dose, the side effects become unbearable, you must reduce the dosage or stop using the supplement for a few weeks and consult your doctor. You can start taking HGH again when the doctor prescribes or when the side effects subside.
What decides you HGH dosage- dosage factors
- Current health and physique
- Experience of using HGH
- Your state of health
- Body weight
- Fat percentage
- Cycle duration
- Other medications you may be taking
Dosage details:
2-3 IU is sufficient for improving bones, skin, joints and for anti-aging reasons
4-8 IU is enough for considerable fat loss and to build on some lean muscle mass
8-15 IU will let you enjoy muscle gains and be ripped
Note that these numbers are just average and the results actually depend on your training schedule and diet too.
HGH Cycle
Apart from the dosage, HGH cycle is also something that you should keep into consideration. The shorter the cycle, more HGH you will need. The ideal HGH cycle is 3-4 months but you can shorten it to 1-2 months as well like on cutting. But in this scenario, you will require more HGH.
The short cycles like of 1-2 months will further improve your state of the cartilage, heal the joint traumas and improve your skin. And due to better cartilage, you will even notice an overall increase in your strength level. Further, these short cycles are good for intensive cutting as HGH prevents the muscle loss during diet balance and has the strong fat burning capacity.
It was seen that women who were consuming HGH had around 30% higher fat burning rate than the women who were just following diet restrictions. On the other hand, the longer HGH cycles with low dosage are great for bodybuilding results. They are good because you can easily burn the fat without any diet and enjoy good muscle gains too.
Another benefit of GH is hyperglycemia, here it is able to induce the division of skeletal muscle cells, leading to increase in your bodybuilding results. More so, the long cycles enable you to see significant improvement in your quality of nails, hair and skin.
Choosing your HGH cycle duration and dosage are important as shorter cycle with high dose show more side effects. But, long usage of HGH also increases the risk of antibodies. Always consult your doctor if you have any doubt regarding the duration and dosage of your HGH product.
HGH cycle for beginners
As you start with HGH usage, your dosage should be on the lower side like 2-4 IU daily. In such cases, the doctor is likely to start you on smaller dosage cycle too. The reason behind this is simple- your body needs time to get accustomed to new hormone consumption. And it needs some time to see how it interacts with other medications you may be taking and if it will have any side effects on your health or not.
So as a starter, your doctor will see how your body interacts to the new hormone. They will check if you feel fatigued while burning calories and if you are losing weight or not. Once they see what your body is actually capable of and if your body needs a higher dose, they may choose to enhance your prescription. But early on, with new users, you are most likely looking at 2-3 weeks dosage cycle and not over 4 IU per day.
Different scenarios call for different cycles, dosage and types of supplements to use. So it should be taken into account when you discuss the use of HGH with your doctor. To ensure that the supplement you use is not just safe to use but will also be effective, you will have to inform the doctor of the health issues and risks you may be facing. Also, you should mention all medications you may be taking. It is advisable that you inform the medical practitioner of reasons you wish to take the HGH supplement whether it be weight loss, anti aging, muscle building or overall health improvement.
Before and after results
It is vital to document the results before and after starting your HGH dosage and cycle. Not just you can mark the progress along the time and see if you are getting your goals or not, but for safety aspects as well. If you feel fatigued, if you start getting hives or rashes or if you see that the complications occur, you need to consult the doctor at the earliest. This way, the doctor will be able to modify your dosage cycle if necessary and will decide if they need to modify the dosage or not.
Which Are The Top HGH Supplements To Buy?
Without a doubt, taking HGH can reverse the aging signs and will make you feel youthful and dynamic. So if you are on the lookout for some HGH products that can be really helpful, it is recommended that you opt for natural and safe HGH supplements.
A lot of these supplements do not provide any side effects as they are made from 100% natural ingredients like amino acids, herbs etc. Another reason why these releasers are preferred is because they are available easily over the Internet at manufacturer official websites. But when buying any HGH product, make sure that the supplement is effective, natural, safe, customer liked and made in a certified laboratory.
Comparison Of 3 Best HGH Supplements 2019

There are indeed a lot of HGH brands in the market and so it is best to buy the best HGH supplement from a reputed company that has satisfied customers. GenF20 Plus is one of the most effective and #1 HGH supplements in the market that is all safe to use too. The best part about this product is that you do not face any unpleasant effects with this product and there are no interactions of it as well. So, what are you waiting for? Buy the best HGH releasers and have great health.
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