Do you know that HGH works for weight loss? Yes, it does. Well, at first it may seem to be an unfathomable concept that growth hormone, a naturally occurring hormone that promotes growth can be used for weight loss. Also have you ever thought that a naturally occurring hormone can be a dieter’s dream come true? In fact, the quest for weight loss has some people taking HGH in the form of pills, capsules, sprays, powders etc.

HGH or human growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland to promote growth and development. It even maintains bodily functions such as brain activity, tissue repair, muscle development, metabolism and energy and more. HGH production is at its peak during teenage years and it declines slowly with age. Studies have proved that the obese adults have low levels than normal weight people. And so, these low levels have people wondering if a boost of this hormone can enhance weight loss, mainly in the obese people.
What sparks interest towards HGH?
Interest in taking HGH for losing weight stems from a 1990 New England Journal of Medicine study which showed that synthetic HGH injections resulted in 8.8 percent increase in muscle mass and 14 percent loss in total body fat without changing any diet. Though this study appeared to be interesting, many studies have also shown to provide not a big benefit.
Then in 2003, the New England Journal of Medicine decided to take the step of denouncing the misuse of 1990 study, saying that the subsequent reports offer no reason to be so positive. But despite this, the 1990 study is still used for promoting sales of HGH.
How and why is HGH used for weight loss?
Obese people are known to have low HGH levels. GH reduces obesity through action on 2 enzymes that control lipogenesis i.e. accumulation of fat and lipolysis i.e. the breakdown of stored triglycerides into free fatty acids. These hormones are hormone sensitive lipase and lipoprotein lipase HSL and LPL respectively.
HGH decreases the uptake of fatty acids by fat storage cells. It further inhibits LPL that controls the triglycerides buildup in the fatty tissues. LPL breaks down the triglycerides, thus releasing free fatty acids that may be used by the fat cells. HGH also encourages to use the free fatty acids as energy source and to lower down the usage of sugar and protein. Thus the impact of growth hormone in decreasing LPL function is higher in fat deposit within the abdomen than in the subcutaneous fat. The other hormones which impact LDL are high amount of activity and testosterone, oestrogen and catecholamines.
The occurrence of free fatty acids lowers down the production of growth hormone by the pituitary gland. The rise of free fatty acids in obese people may be responsible for low level of growth hormone in obesity. There is even increased clearance of growth hormone in obese people, through actions that are not much understood. Further, the high levels of IGF-1 seen in obese has negative effect on the production of growth hormone. Finally, high levels of insulin in obese people reduce the secretion of GH by pituitary gland in response of GHRH. Growth hormone also assists in HSL function that breaks down the stored triglycerides into glycerol and free fatty acids. This further permits the use of fatty acids as the fuel sources in the body. The glycerol portion of triglyceride has to be removed to enable the fatty acids to exit fat cell. GH then increases the total amount of receptors on the cell which recognize hormones which stimulate the HSL activity and it even prevents breakdown of messengers in the cells that permit effects of HSL to take place.
GH even has a direct impact on number as well as maturity of the fat cells. Through IGF-1, growth hormone stimulates the production of pre fat cells but GH also prevents them from getting mature. Growth hormone also opposes the skeletal muscle breakdown when you are fasting. So, when a person is eating few calories only, then Growth hormone encourages usage of fat for energy rather than proteins or sugar. This then prevents muscle breakdown and produces proteins for energy.
Do you face any side effects with HGH?
Well, if you take direct injections of HGH, you may suffer from ill effects. But the natural supplements and releasers have no or very little, mild effects as they are all natural and they stimulate the production of HGH in the body itself and this is totally safe.
Side effects for weight loss? Are there any?
When you get the most reliable and natural HGH, you are likely to experience no side effects whatsoever. This is because despite the GH used in harmful injections being synthetic, it is actually bioequivalent to HGH naturally produced by pituitary gland. People taking injections may face a few side effects like:
· Pain in joints
· Insulin resistance
· Swelling
· Carpal tunnel syndrome
Fortunately, these effects are reversible if you stop taking HGH injections.
How long does it take to lose weight?
As per a lot of clinical studies, losing weight with HGH can start to get noticed within just a few weeks. But to get full blown results with GH for weight loss, it takes a couple of months. Say in about six months, most users report getting satisfactory results and benefits. Because of naturally encouraging high level of release of your HGH, your body actually responds with various hormonal processes to put the body into lean mass gaining and fat loss mode. While the existing lean mass is being saved, the new lean mass cells are constructed to make a lean body. And more lean mass is equal to less body fat.
Due to high level of GH stimulation in the body, the overall metabolism is kicked into high gear. This is to actually accommodate burning off of extra fat and adipose tissue to be used as energy and fuel in the body. Also, this means fast and effective weight loss and tightening and toning of tough areas like the inner thighs, bra line, spare tire mid area and armpits. After 6 months, the benefits are really at their peak. It comes with great and major transformations at cellular level that ensures that you enjoy maximum benefits. The range for enjoying HGH benefits is usually between 6 and 12 months.
How much HGH is required to lose weight?
The various dosages of HGH can be summed up as:
2-3 IU is sufficient when you use HGH for anti aging effects, skin improvement and for healthy joints and bones. As for fat loss and building lean muscle mass, you can take 4-8 IU of HGH dosage. 8-15 IU works for all those who wish to get ripped body, huge muscles and vascular system.
These numbers are averages and not common to all people. The dosage that works for you may not work for others. The recommended dosage for weight loss is 4 IU. So it is better that you ask your doctor about the right dosage or go with what the supplement label directs in order to get the best results.
So, summing up, we can say that HGH is safe if used properly and in due proportions. Overuse, misuse or addiction may lead you to face negative consequences. Take HGH as prescribed or as per your condition/goals along with leading a healthy lifestyle. It has been seen that when you take HGH supplements with right eating pattern and a good exercise regime, the results are wonderful.
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