Which is the best way to measure my HGH level?
HGH is present in the body for a short span of time. But IGF-1 i.e. the insulin growth factor is there in the body forever. Many studies show that saliva and blood tests are the best way to know your IGF-1 level. Generally lower the level of IGF-1, more you can gain from HGH therapy.
Is HGH treatment safe to use?
When you choose safe and natural HGH supplements instead of synthetic HGH, your risks are very low as such effective supplement do not have any artificial HGH. Using natural formula mainly lays stress on providing your body’s pituitary gland with essential nutrients that boost your HGH production. So, it is safe to use the natural and trusted HGH supplements offered by reputed manufacturers and companies.
What dose should I take?
As per clinical studies, most patients start with taking 1iu to 2iu each day for 5 to 6 days in a week. However the dosage may be different for each individual as per his or her health condition and HGH deficiency.
Does HGH offer any side effects to the body?
You need to remember that there are pros and cons of each product. But there have been very few patients reporting of side effects when they take proper dosage of HGH. The common side effects they face include muscle pains, water retention, joint pain etc. But you even note that these effects were faced by people who took higher dose of HGH and as they lowered the dose, the effects also diminished. As each individual is different, some react in a different way than others. It is better that you consult your doctor before taking HGH in order to stay away from any type of side effects.
Do I actually need HGH therapy?
People are generally not aware of whether they require HGH treatment or not. In other words, you can surely live without HGH. But the problems that come with bad lifestyle and aging can be dealt with proper HGH therapy. Also, it is important to improve the quality of life and overall health.
When can I expect to see the results from HGH?
After say 2 months or so, you can start seeing improvement in your appetite, energy level and sleep pattern. The best results can be seen after 4-6 months of therapy and this is the time when you can see significant changes.
What is the average cost for HGH?
The cost for HGH can vary from one person to another as per the treatment and the underlying condition for which you are taking the treatment. As per clinical studies, the average cost for HGH treatment is $500.
How HGH is used for achieving weight loss results?
As per a recent study, after 6 months of taking HGH treatment, men gained about 8.8 percent lean body mass and even lost about 14.4 percent fat mass. As HGH treatment is used with weight lifting schedule and proper diet and calorie intake, weight loss goals can be easily achieved. Even the weight loss is faster and effective.
What happens if I stop using HGH?
You won’t lose anything if you stop taking HGH. The pharma grade HGH is 191 chain amino acid that is bio-identical to what is naturally produced by the pituitary gland. So in a way it does not stop your natural HGH production. You won’t lose height that’s for sure but muscles can be lost in case you stop eating balanced diet and working out. Thus it is better to keep the body well fed and keep hitting the gym or doing some sort of exercise to keep the muscles that you have gained over the time.
Is it possible that I will get young with HGH?
If you are thinking to be 10-15 years younger, then you are mistaken. HGH supplements are not miracles. They just help to work on your biological cycle and slow down the overall aging process. You can use high quality and safe HGH supplements in order to make your body look more youthful and better.
What if I am done growing, will I still need HGH?
Yes obviously. While HGH is mainly responsible for physical development, if you continue with HGH therapy, your body will be able to maintain the desired shape, size and condition in the long run. After exercising, through refueling and resting, the body again starts to build what was broken. Without proper level of HGH, growth and reconstruction cannot take place. Also, during puberty, the HGH level reaches the peak because the body grows at the fastest rate at this time.
Are there any natural ways to boost HGH?
There are a lot of ways to increase HGH naturally like exercise, balanced diet, sleep and HGH supplements.
Sleep- As per studies, it is during one’s sleep that the body produces majority of HGH. The growth hormone is produced during REM sleep or what you call as deep sleep. You cannot reach this point in the catnap and so it is vital that you have regular sleep pattern.
Diet- you even need to align your nutritional intake with your health objectives. If you are really serious about increasing the HGH level, you have to prioritize your nutritional intake. Vitamin B3, C and a lot of antioxidants help to stimulate the HGH production. As protein is vital to building of muscles, amino acids serve as the building blocks of the proteins. Here we present a list of amino acids that are effective and important for your body. They include L Arginine, L Glycine, L Glutamine, L Ornithine, GABA, BCAAs etc.
Exercise- Many research shows that some types of exercise like those that have periods of high intensity spark higher rate of HGH production. It is also seen that regular exercise with intense interval workout helps to trigger HGH level.
HGH supplements- There are a lot of effective, safe and natural HGH supplements that are great to use and offer amazing health results. There are pills, oral sprays and supplements that are easy to take and offer healthy results.
What is the difference between HGH injections and HGH Supplements?
HGH supplements are meant to provide safe and amazing results. A lot of supplements are even called as releasers. Indeed HGH supplements can help to achieve same and effective goals like the injections but minus the severe side effects that injections offer. A lot of supplements have been linked with increasing muscle mass, sexual enhancement and better sleep pattern. In recent times, many people have learned about the effectiveness and benefits of the natural HGH supplements.
Should I take HGH if I am pregnant?
Pregnant ladies should not take such supplements unless prescribed by a doctor. Also, people with any medical condition like heart disease should consult with their doctor first before taking HGH in any form.
Does HGH help in weight loss?
HGH helps to prevent accumulation of fat through preventing intake of glucose. Glucose gets stored in excess by the body in the form of fat which is generally seen around buttocks, upper arms, legs and abdominal region. When glucose is prevented from getting into the cells, there can be no fat accumulation and you will eventually start losing weight. Also, HGH burns the fat through making the glucose available in one’s bloodstream. It does not store excess glucose in fat. It in turn burns the glucose directly so that you have energy for the body processes. When the glucose is consumed, then HGH makes the body to burn fat and generate energy. Last but not least, HGH helps to increase the energy level. It helps you to be energetic as it stimulates release of chemical messengers and amino acids in the body. When the nutrients and amino acids are available in the body, then your system achieves strength, endurance and vitality. And when you are energetic and active, you will lose weight and maintain it in future.
Does HGH help with hair growth?
HGH promotes the growth of tissues and cells. It binds directly to cells through the means of some special receptors. These receptors then seek out to trigger the messengers which in turn stimulate development and growth of cells and tissues in the body. And when HGH can do this with any organ, it can do the same with hair as well. Growth of hair is located in the roots and HGH acts on scalp, thereby stimulating hair cells to grow at a faster rate so that you can easily have more hair and prevent the problem of hair loss. HGH also triggers the production of IGF-1 that stimulates the tissues and cells to grow. The hormone also helps to stimulate release of amino acids in the body which in turn serve as raw material for your hair. The hair is made up of keratin and it is a form of protein. So, more amino acids mean healthier and better hair.
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